The Social Dilemma

The Netflix Documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” exposes the gross manipulation of social media users around the world. But the rabbit hole goes much deeper. What connection does this have to AI, UFOs, and the 1947 Roswell Crash?

Throughout the history of this show, we’ve been exploring the dangers of social media and AI. After reviewing the documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” it seems as if many of those fears are manifesting in our present timeline.

Social media, with the help of AI, is being used to distract, divide, and misinform the masses. What’s the end-goal? According to the documentary, this could lead to world-wide civil war. But is there something deeper happening?

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The UFO Connection

In 1997, Colonel Philip J Corso published his book, The Day After Roswell. In his book, he detailed his knowledge and experience in working with the materials recovered from the 1947 Roswell Crash. According to Corso, a UFO crashed in Roswell New Mexico, and he was later tasked with going through some of the debris to covertly disseminate to various research and development companies for the purposes of revere engineering this alien technology.

In his book, Corso speculated that these beings that were recovered may have been some form of android somehow connected to the ship itself, suggesting there was a level of sophisticated artificial intelligence at work. What’s more concerning is Corso’s comments on the recovered computer chips from the crash. Corso wondered if these computer chips were intentionally seeded here on this planet to allow our species to build our own Trojan horse.

We are now at a point in time and development where if this holds true, that Trojan Horse is about to open. Is it possible that we have built an infrastructure that will call out and connect to an advanced AI that is working to divide and conquer our species? As crazy as that sounds, one only has to look at the state of affairs in the world today. In this podcast, Dennis reviews details that may support this possibility. However, he also discusses the empowerment that can come from this knowledge. If we understand how the algorithms work, and what they are working towards, we may be able to change this divisive agenda.

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