Silence, Energy, & Change

Choosing to remain silent in a sea of angry conflict does not equal compliance. It is simply recognizing the distraction for what it is, and contributing the flow of energy in a healthy and productive direction.

It’s presently being argued that those on social media who choose not to engage or voice their opinions regarding the current political and racial tensions in the country are assumed to now be part of the problem. However, some simply recognize that by contributing to the static noise of opinions, voices are lost while the negative energy of conflict amplifies.

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In looking at the studies like the Maharishi Effect and the research coming from the HeartMath Institute, we see how forces such as energy and intention impact behaviors. HeartMath shows us that heart energy interacts with other heart energy, and when in a crowd, there is a mix of electromagnetic signals. If all signals are resonating on a particular emotional frequency (anger, fear, hatred), then that wave is magnified and amplified.

As empaths, we often recognize the energy connected to a person, event, or even a posting online. Choosing not to engage in a particular energetic frequency is a manner of protection but also a choice to help create a healing flow. At this point, engaging in this “fight,” is simply contributing to the energy of conflict. Creating change and building peace still works towards the same goal, but in a way that is energetically healthy. By engaging in an angry debate, we are fueling the fire instead of sowing the garden.


We are moving into a new paradigm. The world is shifting, and as we go through that transition many of us may experience some dark times filled with fear. Dennis shares aspects of his journey, and reflects on his decision to share them publicly. As we go through a transition, we may find ourselves consumed with negativity, however, upon reflection after that change we often come to find the benefit of those dark moments. Is our darkness today an aspect of a great metamorphosis? What will you become once we emerge?

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