UFOs & Human Energy

Opinions and protests are increasing in volume and intensity as lines are being drawn in the sand. UFOs are being investigated further by the Pentagon, and they may have taken blood samples from abductees. How are these events related, and what role does human energy play?

People are fighting. People are angry. People are opinionated. When scrolling through social media, it’s not hard to determine someones political leanings or moral standing. But are these postings making a difference, or furthering the divide? Many are mourning the loss of a young boy who was executed by the name of Cannon Hinnant. His murder was tragic and heartbreaking. However, it seems as if his murder is being used to settle a score that seems to be connected to the horrible murder of George Floyd. It appears the goal is to draw attention to the media’s varying levels of coverage between the two incidents. But this campaign may have far greater consequences.

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The UFO Investigation

The Pentagon has just announced they are forming a task force to investigate UFO sightings. As the journey towards disclosure continues, we are hopeful that we will eventually find an answer to the question that has not yet been publicly asked: Who or what is flying the craft?

Nick Pope, a UFO investigator, was recently quoted via Unknown Country explaining that there is a possibility that the Pentagon’s former UFO investigative agency may have collected blood samples from people claiming to have had contact with UFOs. It is unclear if these participants were aware of their involvement with the government’s study.

It’s also interesting to note that part of this study was geared toward determining what impact these vehicles may have had on human energy. Speculations indicate there is possibility that these craft have an ability to influence one’s perception of reality by simply interacting with their energetic field. Could this explain some of the screen memories people report when encountering these crafts? This certainly seems relevant to the content explored in Food for the Archons. Humans have an electromagnetic field generated by the heart that is capable of sending and receiving information that has a direct affect on emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

It is through this field that we are vulnerable. This field may also play a very strong role in the “mob mentality,” and may be infecting millions of people around the world as fears continue to mount over the many destabilizing news events we are subjected to.

In this podcast, Dennis explores the implications of the UFO investigation, energetic fields, and polarized political, ethical, and racial arguments in the news today and how they are all connected to the manipulation of energy.

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