Projecting Positivity - with Ray Davis

Projecting Positivity Ray Davis.jpg

Ray Davis is back on the podcast, and he doesn’t disappoint! From personal journeys to navigating political discussions, to the UFO agenda, Ray brings his wisdom, perspective, and productive approach to world events.

Ray Davis is an author and co-founder of 6 Sense Media. He is also the founder of the Affirmation Spot, where he has been building a community of self-empowerment for years. With daily affirmations, supportive discussions, and a talent for exploring difficult conversations productively, Ray returns to the podcast this week to share his perspectives on many of the challenges we are facing.

When encountering a difficult time in life, Ray reminds us to search for meaning and value by asking “what can I learn from this?” Ray teaches us how to shape our experiences to work for us, no matter how difficult it may be for us. He reminds us that we have the power to enact the change we want to see if we can put our minds to the task.

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Fate, Destiny, & UFOs

Ray & Dennis dig deep as they evaluate the human condition. They explore questions facing fate vs free will. Is there a grand plan, or are we randomly creating our own experiences. If there is a grand plan, who designed it? How complex is that plan and are there events, actors, and technology that is working to drive our behavior towards a specific goal?

Is there a connection to the UFO disclosure efforts presently underway? Ray points out that there are big questions that are not yet being asked publicly. Those questions, however, have the potential to shift beliefs and paradigms and even change the world. How long have they been here? Why are they here? What do they want? Who are they? It’s time to look beyond the potential threat and start exploring the deeper questions and the impacts those questions will have on our society.

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