Remote Viewing Pando - with Edward Riordan

Remote Viewing Pando Edward Riordan.png

There is an intelligence in plants, and they are capable of experiencing emotion. What can we learn from the worlds oldest living organism? Pando is at least 80,000 years old, and through remote viewing, Edward Riordan gave us profound insight into this fascinating organism.

In this podcast, Dennis again explores the world of remote viewing. He and Edward discuss some of their experiences and share the growth of their own philosophies and abilities based on lessons learned. Edward shares more of his psychic journey and describes more of his process through his remote viewing journey.

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Remote Viewing Pando

Pando is said to be the worlds oldest organism. It is a “Quaking Aspen” that spans over 100 acres from a single root. It’s a complex organism, and is estimated to be at least 80,000 years old.

Although blind to the target, Edward was able to utilize remote viewing to gather information about Pando. He recorded data that indicated a disagreement among scientists. Pando is no longer regenerating, which means it will eventually die. Edward described some of the debate among the scientists, which involved trying to clone the plant to continue its lifespan.

Edward also detected unique anomalies contained within the soil, that may be connected to an ancient meteor strike. The impact left electro-magnetic qualities that may have contributed to the longevity of this organism. Lastly, Edward describes the ancient cultures that have lived among this grove and the magical rituals they practiced. Pando, it seems, has a trove of knowledge and data stored within it, and Edward was able to connect with some of that. What does this data suggest about the nature of our reality? What does it suggest about the future of Pando?

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Useful Links:

The Cryptoviewing YouTube Page with Dick Allgire

The Affirmation Spot with Ray Davis

Edward Riordan Remote Viewing

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