Psychic Ethics & UFO Tech

Psychic Ethics UFO Tech.png

It has been proven that humans have an ability that exists beyond the five senses which allows them to gather information, perform healing, and communicate. Is this something we should explore further? Or should it be avoided?

What are the consequences of psychic activity? If one looks into the future, does the future change? Does viewing the future suggest that the future already exists, and if so, what happens to the people in that timeline when something is changed? Does a new timeline form, or is the future possible overwritten? If this is the case, what responsibility to we have as viewers when looking beyond the present? Are we meant to follow our current path, or should we expand our ability to potentially alter that pre-determined course? What are the consequences of doing so? What are the consequences of NOT doing so?

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The UFO Connection to the Future

We have received confirmation in 2017 - “UFOs are real, and they’re not ours…” The weight of those words have the potential to change society forever - to rewrite history and chart a new course into the future. But who is piloting the craft? Another former US Navy pilot recently came forward to describe his encounters with UFOs (or UAPs), and he said they “defied the laws of physics.” We also heard from retired USAF Lieutenant General Kwast that we currently have space technology that far exceeds what has been disclosed to the public. Was he hinting at a secret space program?


UFOs are real, and they exist as a separate entity from mainstream society. Whether alien, inner-earth, inter-dimensional, or a break-away Earth-based civilization is yet to be determined. However, if we look at the comments of Dr. Greer, he states that many of these craft are derived from ET technology, but a secret government has created its own fleet of ships using advanced technology. According to Greer, this technology would revolutionize the world and provide free energy for all. What impact would that have on society? With the US dollar linked to oil, which would become obsolete, the dollar would most-likely fail as this new technology takes over. Could this be the main reason for all the secrecy surrounding UFOs? If so, then why is this information now being slowly released to the public? Is it possible that as disclosure happens and new technology is released, the dollar will fail and lead us right into the new form of digital currency??? Maybe this was why President Trump just signed the Space Force into existence…

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Useful Links:

The Cryptoviewing YouTube Page with Dick Allgire

The Affirmation Spot with Ray Davis

Edward Riordan Remote Viewing

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