Remote Viewing is Real (& You Can do it Too!)

Remote Viewing is Real.png

“The other day I sat in my basement and was able to turn my attention to the other side of the world to bring back accurate descriptions of an assigned target. Through a shift in my awareness, I transcended time and space.”

Remote viewing was developed in the 1970s at the Stanford Research Institute by Hal Puthoff, Russel Targ, Ingo Swann, and a few others. The program was then funded by the CIA for close to 20 years until portions of it were declassified in the late 1990s.

Remote viewing is the scientific process of shifting ones awareness to a location or event anywhere in time or space and bringing back data. This week, Dennis shares his experiences with remote viewing as he is currently receiving training in a process called Controlled Remote Viewing.

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The Potential to Perceive ANYTHING

Although some report blockages and obstacles, for the most part remote viewing demonstrates an ability to gather real data about anything in time or space. How does the acquisition of this skill impact a viewer? What impact does it have on his worldview and perception of reality? Dennis shares parts of his journey and the feelings he is experiencing after a recent session he completed. Tasked to view a target on the other side of the world, Dennis created a sketch that matched an element of the target and recorded data that depicted other aspects of the same target. In essence, he shifted his awareness from his basement to a remote location and accurately perceived what was there!

Each week, Dennis provides feedback and analysis to some of the worlds top remote viewers on the CryptoViewing team. The CryptoViewing team demonstrates weekly their ability to gather accurate data about each assigned target, and have flexed their perceptual muscles by predicting each upcoming months major news headlines! Remote viewing is a skill that requires lots of practice and dedication, but is something anyone is capable of learning. How would your world change if you learned to master this skill?

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Useful Links:

The Cryptoviewing YouTube Page with Dick Allgire

The Affirmation Spot with Ray Davis

Edward Riordan Remote Viewing

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