The New Age of Aquarius

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This past December 21, 2020, the day of the Winter Solstice, was the day of a Grand Conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. This marks the beginning of a new age. The Age of Aquarius

On December 21st, we witnessed the rebirth of the Light. The days are now getting longer and we are moving towards warmer and brighter days - a welcome shift from the darkness this year has brought us with the Coronavirus, civil unrest, and political instability.

But what does it all mean? In this Podcast, Dennis reviews some astrological information revealing the significance of the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter. According to Astrologists, we have not seen this alignment since the early 1400s - the birth of the Renaissance Period.

Extra-Terrestrials Confirmed: Roswell, Mars, and the Galactic Federation.

The New Age - a New Renaissance?

What will the future bring? Some are predicting innovation, humanitarianism, and independence. We are potentially moving into an age of equality. Will we find ways to live in balance on this planet? Will we master the harmony of technology in a symbiotic relationship?

There is a new sense of hope as we enter this age. What will we make of it?

The Great Reset

For us to enter the new age, we first most shed ourselves of the old age - and the energies attached to it. This is the great reset. We are, and may continue to witness the destruction - or restructuring of our trusted institutions: governments, religions, social organizations, etc… Things will fall apart so they can be rebuilt - or replaced. This can leave us feeling helpless - like the victims of such violent change. However, we can focus on the end goal and turn hardship into opportunity. What will you become in the new age? How will you grow? We have the potential to build something beautiful. Let’s make the most of it!

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