Extraterrestrials Confirmed by Israeli Space Chief - From Roswell to Mars, What's Coming Next?

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An Israeli military leader has confirmed the existence of Extraterrestrials. Furthermore, he claims they are working jointly on underground MARTIAN bases with American astronauts. What about the Galactic Federation? A 1997 Remote Viewing book may shed some light on this subject - and give us a clue as to where this is all going…

What’s exciting about this announcement is that it is being covered by multiple mainstream news organizations. The official has stated that Aliens are real, have been conducting experiments on Earth, an are working with Americans on a secret base on Mars. He also acknowledged the existence of a Galactic Federation. Are we moving into a new era? Or are we being set up for a giant false flag?

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Follow the Clues

In this podcast, Dennis reviews the recent disclosure-related stories that have been cropping up over the years. He notes that these stories have gradually increased in frequency, detail, credibility and coverage. Is this an intentional campaign to get the world population used to the idea that we are not alone? He also reviews a recent article with new information related to the 1947 Roswell Crash. Today, December 12th, a new 3-part series is being launched by the History Channel where they are revealing, for the first time ever, the details of Intelligence Office Jesse Marcel’s personal journal. Marcel was the first on the scene for Roswell and the one who claimed a flying saucer had crashed that was not made by human hands. This story is one example among many that is being given new life - and credibility - during this exciting time of disclosure. This podcast is packed full of information that gives the appearance to be building towards something big!

Where is this Leading?

Bill Cooper warned us of Operation Blue Beam - holographic technology that can be employed to deceive the people of an alien invasion. Dennis proposes that BlueBeam may actually be connected to AI, nanotechnology, and implantable tech. Are we being set up for a mass deception? What if the Israeli official is telling the truth? Are we in the brink of disclosure? First Contact (at least publicly)?

We must review the reports coming from contactees and abductees over the previous decades. They warned of earth changes and political upheaval. They also spoke of hybrids - a cross between alien and human species. Are they the new race that will inhabit the earth?

In 1997, Dr. Courtney Brown, the director and remote viewer with the Farsight Institute, released a book titled Cosmic Voyage: A scientific discovery of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. In this book, Dr. Brown identified a Martian civilization living below the surface of Mars and he contacted what he called The Galactic Federation. It’s possible the Israeli official read Dr. Brown’s book. However, what if he’s telling the truth and Dr. Brown pulled back accurate data? Where is this leading? Dennis explores Dr. Brown’s data along with these recent reports and gives clues as to what may be coming next.

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