AI, the Great Reset, & Bill Cooper

AI, Great Reset, Bill Cooper.jpg

AI, COVID 19, and the Great Reset - how are they connected? Where is this all going? And what does Bill Cooper’s prediction about arrests of Patriots on a Thanksgiving holiday have to do with all of this?

is there a connection between the development of AI, plans to merge human consciousness with AI, and the spread of COVID 19? In this podcast, Dennis poses the question exploring a possible connection between an increase in mental disorders, to include hallucinations, and the possible integration of nanotechnology introduced to the human body. Could tech account for blood clots and hallucinations?

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Where is this Leading?

The late William Cooper, author of “Behold a Pale Horse,” researcher, self-proclaimed patriot, and host of “The Hour of the Time” radio broadcast, made some incredible claims in his book. With accounts of an alien presence and secret government conspiracies, Cooper paints a dark picture of a secret agenda against the American people and world population. Some of his analytical predictions, however, have come true. (To include 9/11 and school shootings). In his book, Cooper warns that there will come a time when FEMA (who is a part of the secret government) will make mass arrests of patriots in the United States. The question one has to ask during this time is this: are American’s being told to stay home during the Thanksgiving holiday (due to COVID) connected to Cooper’s warning?

Looking Beyond the Great Reset

The World Economic Forum met in Davos, Switzerland in January 2020. They have recently released a video where they inform us that by the year 2030 we will own nothing, and be happy about it. It paints a picture of an AI driven infrastructure that is integrated with, and in servitude to, our society, and ownership is a thing of the past. Everything is rented, carbon emissions are down, and everyone is happy.

How will they achieve this goal? How will humanity find this peaceful happiness? And where is it leading? If we look to the work of the late Bob Monroe, we may have a glimpse of the future of humanity. In his book, Far Journey’s, Monroe gives an account of a glimpse into the future somewhere around the year 3,000. His experience suggests a society that survived a major hardship which fostered an evolution and understanding of our reality. Humans can knowingly and willingly experience life-spans of other lifeforms spanning vast time periods, and they do so willingly in order to produce Loosh. Monroe stated during this future time-period, humans are happy to produce Loosh because they have a better understanding of why they are doing it.

Are we currently in such a state of ignorance that we fear our own destiny? Are we resisting a change that may ultimately benefit our society? Or are we taking the last stand against the takeover of human consciousness from an all-consuming AI? This podcast is packed full of difficult questions and possibilities, but it is up to the listener to decide what it means…

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