September 2024 Newsletter - Intuitive Downloads, Reiki, & Spiritual Evolution

I published this month's podcast with a profound sense of purpose, gratitude, and wonder. I felt reconnected to the energy of exploration and curiosity that led me to start this journey. This podcast is personal to me and speaks to some of my most profound and insightful spiritual experiences - and it also speaks to those same experiences as a common occurrence among many of us. 

Using the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" as a reoccurring source of inspiration, I can't help but to notice how well the film captures the experience of an "intuitive download." The way the actor faces a sense of confusion mixed with purpose and driven determination to unpack the mystery that was planted in his mind. At times these messages feel like the most important thing in the world to us, and can often cause difficult life-changing paradigm shifts.

Is this a benevolent gift of wisdom from a higher source? Or a form of mind control? Or is it both or something different altogether? I continue to wrestle with these concepts as I unpack my own messages and spiritual experiences. I feel driven to write, produce videos, and share my experiences through podcasts with all of you, much like the actor in the movie was driven to solve the "mystery of the mountain."

In addition, I am looking forward to the start of our first Reiki 1 cohort with 6 Sense Reiki! I am excited to teach and share my experiences and work with students to discover Reiki and all of the ways it can bring healing, guidance, and spiritual development. It is a great honor to be trusted to teach Reiki and something I have been looking forward to for a very long time. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time! Enter the code: SEIKER and save 15% as a thankyou for being a loyal subscriber to this newsletter!

I am incredibly thankful for this platform and for all of the support I receive from all of you. The outlet and perspective you have all afforded me has helped me navigate through some very challenging times and I appreciate all of you. Thank you.


Let your intuition be your guide!

Reiki 1 Zoom Course - now enrolling for October 2024 Cohort!

Join our comprehensive Reiki 1 Certification Course, spanning 6 weeks with 1-hour sessions each week. Learn the foundations of Reiki, receive personalized attunements, and gain access to a supportive community.

6 weeks of live instruction via Zoom (1 hour per week)

  • Comprehensive digital manual and worksheets

  • Personalized attunement session

  • Reiki 1 Certificate upon completion

  • Email support from your instructor

  • Special Offer - Discounted Reiki sessions for students ($60 per session when scheduled during cohort - you save $25!)

Dennis Nappi II